What to Expect In Your Community

Cable replacement projects focus on replacing the underground electrical cable that has been identified for an upgrade.

These projects are completed in two phases:

Phase I 


In phase I, a crew will be installing the casing for the new electrical cable along the route. Our goal is to disturb as little vegetation as possible during this project, however some greenery may be impacted. We are confident that the long-term benefits of this project outweigh any temporary inconveniences. If the route is on a street, the road will be repaired for travel as we progress.

These projects are directed at replacing the main underground cable, so there should be no need to dig directly to individual homes.

You will see large vehicles, machines and equipment along the route. You may experience some noise during work hours.

Traffic Control

traffic control

Throughout the project traffic control personnel on-site to help direct the flow of traffic. Traffic may be reduced to one lane to protect motorists and crew members.

Phase II:

Once phase I is complete, there will be a pause in work. Then a Potelco crew will begin to lay the new electrical cable in the previously installed casing.  You will notice a large trucks carrying the new cable along the route.

Scheduled Power Outages 


In order to safely switch the power from the old cable to the new, some residents may experience a disruption in their electrical service. All affected residents will be notified of the duration and date of any scheduled power outage in advance.

Hard Surface Restoration 

After Potelco completes phase I of the project, hard surface restoration will be conducted by another PSE service provider, AA Asphalting Inc. Hard surface restoration is normally scheduled for completion as soon as possible after phase I work. Please use the contact information for AA Asphalting, located on the Contact Information tab, if you have any questions about hard surface restoration.